Orchidopexy Post-Op Instructions

The testicular surgery that your child had will cause discomfort for a few days. The scrotum may turn black and blue with bruising where the pocket was made to place the testicle into the scrotum. The scrotum will swell and the testicle will get as hard as a rock during the first several days. The hardness gradually resolves over the next six weeks. If the operative site has a dressing, it should be kept clean and dry. It is not to be removed unless your surgeon told you to do so. You should observe and supervise your child’s activity for the remainder of the day. Sleepiness or dizziness for a few hours after surgery may be expected.

Discomfort: Your surgeon has written a prescription for a mild narcotic for your child. Tylenol or Ibuprofen may be all that your child requires for pain relief, but if he needs something stronger, you may use the prescription medication. Your child may have a fever as high as 104˚ the evening following surgery; it is usually gone by 36 hours after the surgery. You may use Tylenol or Ibuprofen according to the manufacturer’s recommendations for your child’s age, which are printed on the bottle.

Diet: Give your child clear liquids (water, carbonated drinks, Gatorade) as tolerated for the first four to six hours after surgery. If these are tolerated well, you may then give your child the food he normally eats. If nausea or vomiting should occur, stop all food for a couple of hours then start over with liquids and gradually build up to regular foods.

Activity: Your child’s play and other activities should be limited for the first two days following surgery; normal activity may them be resumed. Vigorous or strenuous activity should be delayed for ten days. No swimming is permitted for two weeks after the surgery. Your child may return to school three days after the surgery; he may participate in physical education classes 10 days after surgery.

 Your child may have a sponge bath 24 hours after surgery. Do not scrub or rub the incisions; blot them dry. You may give him a tub bath or shower 48-72 hours after surgery, but do not let him sit and soak in the tub for 10 days.

Causes for Concern: On rare occasions, complications may develop following an operative procedure. For this type of surgery, it is important that you report the following.

Fever that lasts for more than two days after surgery
Fresh bleeding (not old, crusty blood)
Redness of the incisions

Postoperative Check: Your surgeon will want to see your child following surgery. If you have not already arranged a follow-up appointment, please call our office to do so, the afternoon after surgery or the following morning. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call our main office number at (423) 267-0466.

Post-Op Instructions

The testicular surgery that your child had will cause discomfort for a few days. The scrotum may turn black and blue with bruising where the pocket was made to place the testicle into the scrotum. The scrotum will swell and the testicle will get as hard as a rock during the first several days. The hardness gradually resolves over the next six weeks. If the operative site has a dressing, it should be kept clean and dry. It is not to be removed unless your surgeon told you to do so. You should observe and supervise your child’s activity for the remainder of the day. Sleepiness or dizziness for a few hours after surgery may be expected.

Discomfort: Your surgeon has written a prescription for a mild narcotic for your child. Tylenol or Ibuprofen may be all that your child requires for pain relief, but if he needs something stronger, you may use the prescription medication. Your child may have a fever as high as 104˚ the evening following surgery; it is usually gone by 36 hours after the surgery. You may use Tylenol or Ibuprofen according to the manufacturer’s recommendations for your child’s age, which are printed on the bottle.

Diet: Give your child clear liquids (water, carbonated drinks, Gatorade) as tolerated for the first four to six hours after surgery. If these are tolerated well, you may then give your child the food he normally eats. If nausea or vomiting should occur, stop all food for a couple of hours then start over with liquids and gradually build up to regular foods.

Activity: Your child’s play and other activities should be limited for the first two days following surgery; normal activity may them be resumed. Vigorous or strenuous activity should be delayed for ten days. No swimming is permitted for two weeks after the surgery. Your child may return to school three days after the surgery; he may participate in physical education classes 10 days after surgery.

 Your child may have a sponge bath 24 hours after surgery. Do not scrub or rub the incisions; blot them dry. You may give him a tub bath or shower 48-72 hours after surgery, but do not let him sit and soak in the tub for 10 days.

Causes for Concern: On rare occasions, complications may develop following an operative procedure. For this type of surgery, it is important that you report the following.

Fever that lasts for more than two days after surgery
Fresh bleeding (not old, crusty blood)
Redness of the incisions

Postoperative Check: Your surgeon will want to see your child following surgery. If you have not already arranged a follow-up appointment, please call our office to do so, the afternoon after surgery or the following morning. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call our main office number at (423) 267-0466.